Spend less money. Do more good. 🙂
Do you want to reduce administration and overhead costs for your charity?
Find new ways to raise money?
You Can Make Even More Impact!
Wise Spending
Do you want to be able to report to your donors the smallest possible percentage of overhead costs?
New Funding
Do you turn down gifts in kind because they don’t line up with what you need?
Make More Impact!
Do you want to direct more donor dollars to your end cause?
Join A Revolution!
Do you want to be part of a movement that is revolutionizing the charitable sector?
We Know What You're Thinking...
What is BarterPay and how do they generate donations to BarterPay It Forward Foundation to fund my charity?
We help 1000’s of businesses turn their downtime and idle inventory into giving to charities. All the donations come from BarterPay itself and the greater BarterPay Community of Businesses!
How does BarterPay turn unwanted or unneeded Gifts-in-Kind into other things I need?
We do this by leveraging an elaborate bartering system made up of businesses that use Barter Credits™ to buy & sell with one another and in turn give some of their funds to our Foundation.
How much does it cost to participate and why is it fiscally responsible to do so?
We will cover 75% of what you want to acquire from the BarterPay system. So, it only “costs” 25% for fundraising / admin for the BarterPay team to help fund your purchases.
What kind of commitment is required on my behalf as a charity?
Some charities participate more than others. It’s up to you how much funding you want. Every charity is assigned their own barter coach, a real person who helps you get what you need.
BarterPay Is A Caring Company!
The Caring Company program is Canada’s premier public expression of recognition in leadership and excellence in community investment. Caring Companies commit to giving at least 1% of their pre-tax profit in support of their communities. Go to for more information.
A REVOLUTIONARY TV SERIES documenting Everyday Superhero Business Owners and Charities!
There’s more…
Team up with BarterPay today and let us help you grow your business!
John Porter, Founder & CEO Get Started